Monday, February 1, 2010


No matter what the competition, no one wants to lose. If someone tells you otherwise it's just because they have lost so many times they are complacent with losing. Being a frequent victor I have never gotten used to the idea of losing.

I think that is why when I play my comrade, Eli, in FIFA or Madden (both ’10 of course) I cannot stand to lose. I know it's childish but I should never lose to an inferior (love ya). A good day would consist of beating Eli so bad he quits (I think it was 10-0 today in FIFA) but of course once the beating is so bad the defeated begins “not trying”. A card I have pulled many times but everyone knows it is utter bullshit. If you don’t try your pride isn’t hurt as bad. This is in no way saying I beat Eli in everything, we are honestly pretty closely matched in most we do (He beat me the game before 4-2).

We have a good time but occasionally, when things don’t go your way, one of us loses a temper and ruins the friendship for about an hour. The video games are meant to be fun, but lets be honest, losing is never fun. Even though the victories come often for both of us, that one loss can ruin a day. Some days I feel bad beating him into the ground, but then I remember, he’ll get over it.

We both feel a little ashamed when we throw a temper tantrum, but it wouldn’t be the same without it. We need to let it out. Scream, whine, complain when something didn’t go our way and it was definitely not our fault. So, whether or not EA sports games are flawed, only when you lose, the bottom line is, losing sucks. It’s not just about having fun, it’s about winning, no matter the cost.

-The Scholar


  1. Separate your damn paragraphs with a space

  2. 10-0 is pretty bad, but I don't know if that passes up Smitty's 100+ shutout on you in NCAAF as the biggest smackdown in history though.
