Thursday, February 4, 2010


I don’t really know why I am so judgmental of people. It just comes so naturally. I see a guy wearing timberlands and a flat-brimmed hat, immediately I think, “douchebag.” I don’t usually feel bad about it. Sometimes, though, I actually think about what I am doing and I have no reason for it. He could be a nice guy, right? After having some of these thoughts, I tried not to be so judgmental.

It wasn’t possible. I realized I make these judgments, however hasty they may be, for a reason.

The reason? Disappointment.

People are just disappointing. Think about it. How many people let you down? They can seem incredible, interesting and funny in the beginning, but after a while their flaws become so apparent. This disappointment is probably why I don’t even bother with people that strike me as shallow. If people I actually want to spend time with turn out to be nothing more than a waste of time, why the hell would I engage people that seem to have already made poor life decisions?

This sounds like a confession of lonely man. It isn’t. I have friends and family I would do anything for. People I know I can share my life with. I am thankful for these people, but just disappointed with the rest of humanity. They have done nothing for me, except of course reinforce my feelings of despondency.

There is a point to these ramblings.

Keep your friends close. Don’t drop the ones you know are there for you for someone that will probably just end up a failed attempt at friendship. No one needs 50 friends. Just keep your closest friends with you through everything.

Just know who really cares about you and don’t let them leave.

Nothing better is waiting.


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